The welcome news was announced last week that boatyards, marinas and harbours are now open. This comes as a huge relief and is a tribute to the RYA’s efforts. Frustrated owners can now begin fitting out and making plans to get on the water and to look forward to the joys of life afloat, subject to some restrictions on crew, sleeping on board, and maintaining two meters separation, not a problem for our yachts !

So far, the determined Regatta Committee at the Royal London are persisting with their plans to hold the Cowes Classics Week from July 25 / 31. Cowes Week are also hoping to run the Regatta as scheduled and are in plenary planning sessions, and discussions with Harbour and Local Authorities. As the goalposts are moving faster than Whooper on a beam reach, they may yet be able to run the events. The Cowes spring Classics has been shifted to September and the Hamble Classics is scheduled for late August

We wish them all bureaucratic fair winds.

Despite the cancellation of our Regatta in July, we are looking into cruising options to enable our members to congregate safely and enjoy time together passage making, mooring or anchoring.

We are pleased to announce that Mary Scott-Jackson will be devoting time to revising the Yachts data base and assisting with updating the Club website.

With best wishes 

 On board Venya,   en route Harwich to Aldeburgh Wednesday

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